May 1

4 Questions To Ask Before Buying A POS System


Why Purchase a POS System?

As technology moves the world further and faster, so must the way restaurants conduct business. POS has become the technology of choice because of its all-in-one solution to your restaurant’s everyday issues. Having a POS system in place can increase efficiency, manage inventory and drive-up employee satisfaction.  

But before you purchase a POS system, you must take many things into consideration and have an idea of the important features you need for your restaurant. To help you make a decision here are four questions to ask before buying a POS system: 

  1. How easy is the system to use? Are you able to train your employees effectively?  This is especially important if you have a high turnover rate. 
  2. Is the reporting easy to locate, understand, and does it produce the information you need? Each POS System is a little different, so here are a couple of insights your POS should deliver: 
    • Trends in performance
    • What was sold in any given time 
    • Historical data comparing month to month and year over year 
    • Food costs, labor and inventory expenses 
    • What methods of payments were used 
  3. Are you able to turn customers quickly with minimal amount of button pushes for an order? For any restaurant owner, the statement “time is money” holds true. Being able to provide customers with quick service can drive up customer satisfaction. 
  4. Is the POS System easy to program and are there database management packages available to opt into so you don’t have to do the programming?  

When you choose a system with these features, you’re sending a message to your customers and employees that they are the priority. Our experts are available to assist you in making a decision for your POS solutions. Contact us today to learn more about our POS Systems and to schedule a demo. 


focus pos, mobile POS, POS, POS Security, pos system, rss

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